Blog Challenge "100 posts in 100 days" Post #2
How many times do we say or at least think, "I'm too busy" or "I don't have time for that"? I know I am guilty of it, but why? Do we not have the time, or is it just a go-to excuse? We all get the same amount of time, the same number of hours and minutes in a day that everyone else gets. If we are honest with ourselves, we should entertain the idea that we are constantly making choices, and if there is something that we want to do, we give 100% effort to try and figure out a way to make it happen. I'm working on doing a better job of giving my undivided attention when someone I care about bids for it. I hate when I feel like I am rushed to say something or show someone something because they have already made it clear they have somewhere else to be or something else to be doing. No one likes to feel second to something or someone else. And really, how hard is it to give someone your attention as if they are the only thing that matters for that 2-minute block of time? I don't know about you, but I am usually playing through my to-do list in my head and even out loud sometimes. But when someone wants to show you or tell you something, the last thing they want to hear is what from their to-do list you are keeping them from doing. That is just a great way of bursting their bubble or stealing the wind out of their sails. So my advice, let's all try and be present when we agree to a bid for attention. If you can't do something with joy in your heart, then you shouldn't do it at all! |
June 2023