Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt helpless? In 2012 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I felt helpless. The person who brought me into this world, kept me alive, and helped shape me into the person I've become was sick, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Since my son was only seven at the time and he went to bed early. My nights became lonely, and I didn't have many people to talk to, so I started a blog to have a place to capture my thoughts and express myself.
Fast forward to now, and what started as nothing more than an online diary has evolved into a time capsule of the last nine years of my life. These days I have a couple of websites, and I use WordPress for them, but back in 2012, I went with Weebly to build my website, purchase my domain and hosting and start my blog. It provides an easy-to-use platform of drag and drop elements that allowed me to get the blog online quickly. If you or someone you know wants to start a blog, here are my top 3 tips.
I lost my mom in 2016 unexpectedly, but it wasn't to cancer. My blog helped me through some challenging life experiences, and now anytime I feel nostalgic, I can take a scroll (not stroll) down memory lane. I'll leave you with this, write a book about your life. If not a book, write a blog. If not a blog, a journal. The point is that writing is therapeutic and a great gift to leave your kids or grandkids. |
June 2023